Your Essential Preseason AC System Checklist

As the seasons change and warmer weather approaches, ensuring that your air conditioning system is in top-notch condition becomes a crucial task for homeowners. A properly maintained AC system not only keeps your home cool and comfortable but also helps maximize energy efficiency and prolonging the lifespan of your equipment.

To help you prepare for the upcoming summer months, here’s a comprehensive preseason AC system checklist:

  1. Inspect and Clean Air Filters

  2. Dirty air filters restrict airflow, making your AC system work harder and less efficiently. Start by inspecting your filters and replace them if they are clogged or dirty. Ideally, filters should be replaced every 6 to 12 weeks, depending on usage.
  3. Check Thermostat Settings

  4. Verify that your thermostat is set to the appropriate temperature and mode (cooling). Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for better control and energy savings.
  5. Inspect Ductwork for Leaks

  6. Leaky ducts can lead to energy waste and uneven cooling. Examine ducts for any signs of damage or disconnected joints. Seal leaks using duct tape or mastic sealant to improve efficiency.
  7. Clean and Clear Vents and Registers

  8. Ensure that all vents and registers are clean and unobstructed by furniture, curtains, or other objects. Proper airflow is essential for even cooling throughout your home.
  9. Inspect Outdoor Unit

  10. Check the outdoor condenser unit for any debris such as leaves, branches, or dirt buildup. Clean the unit with a garden hose and trim any vegetation around it to maintain proper airflow.
  11. Inspect Indoor Components

  12. Take a look at indoor components such as evaporator coils, blower motor, and condensate drain pan. Clean any dust or debris accumulation to prevent airflow restrictions and potential water damage.
  13. Test System Operation

  14. Turn on your AC system to ensure that it is functioning properly. Listen for any unusual noises, and check for any odors, which could indicate a problem with the system.
  15. Check Refrigerant Levels

  16. Low refrigerant levels can indicate a leak in the system and result in poor cooling performance. If you notice any signs of low refrigerant (such as ice buildup on the evaporator coils), contact a professional HVAC technician for inspection and repair.
  17. Schedule Professional Maintenance

  18. Schedule a professional AC system maintenance before the start of the cooling season. A qualified technician can perform a thorough inspection, tune-up, and any necessary repairs to ensure that your AC system operates efficiently and reliably throughout the summer.
  19. If it’s been a year or more since your AC system was professionally inspected, contact the home comfort experts at Pann Home Services & Remodeling. We’ll ensure that your air conditioning system is ready to tackle the summer heat with optimal performance and efficiency. Contact us today and enjoy a cool and refreshing summer indoors.